How 🥳 Works.


A hyperlink is a link that points and takes you to a specific point in time and space in a multiverse.

We take long web links and turn them into short links that are easily human-readable (like or or, etc.). So it’s a short link pointing to a long link (link ²).

We use proprietary software, managed base domains and processes to catalog and retrieve the short links.

Our managed short links we call …

iShort Links™

iShort Links™ are dynamic in that some only point to a single location and other iShort Links™ point to a single link from a group of links for that topic (so every time you visit that iShort Link™ it’s a surprise) and other iShort Links™ dynamically turn into a iLink Page™ (which is a quick list of links or of other iShort Links™).

You can use iShort Links™ to jump to your destination in a couple of different ways:

We materialize valuable experiences in many formats including:

Other trademarks when seen, you know it's us..







iShort Links Jumping

iShort Links Block

World's Best iGuides™

World's Best iNewspapers™

World's Best iFlyers™

World's Best iDirectories™

World's Best iPapers™

World's Best iPrograms™

World's Best iNewsletters™

That’s pretty much it…

Have Fun today!

Experience On!